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FAQ English

General Information

What regulations apply to electronic examinations?exams?
  • Computer-basedComputer exams are equivalent to written exams and the special form of multiple-choice exams with the corresponding modalities (StatutesStatute Supplements).
  • The APBcurrent andversion of the remote examination statute in their current versions permit computer-based presence examsAPB and remote exam regulations allow computer on-site and remote exams with the necessary security measures.measures
  • §23 of the Hessian Higher Education Act and the E-Examination Statute of TUDa datede-exam regulations from 14.12.2022 apply.
Can I choose a different exam format after the selection deadline? After the deadline, you can submit requests in the same section where you made your choice.selection. Requests will be processed and checked for feasibility. This means they canmay be rejected for organizational reasons.
How cando I change my choiceselection after I have already made it?

You can change your choice ofThe exam format selection can be changed after makingit ahas selection.been made. In the group choiceselection "Select“Choose Youryour Examexam Format",format,” you can independently revokecancel and change a made selection before the 4-week deadline expires. PayLook attention tofor the somewhat inconspicuous link: "Remove my choice".selection."

What are the advantages of electronic exams?
  • Typed submissions are more readable,legible, making the grading process easier.easier
  • RevisionsCorrections to texts and submissions are more convenient.convenient
  • Fewer errors in point tallying,counting, as table management is automatic.automated
  • Computer-basedComputer exams have the potential to make exams more interactive.interactive
  • ReviewViewing can be done from home and is not subject to any hygiene concept.concepts
Why is the Safe Exam Browser used?
  • The Safe Exam Browser is used to restrict aids according to exam guidelines,guidelines. thusThis excludingexcludes all communication programs. Only explicitly enabled applications can be used.
  • The Safe Exam Browser is launchedstarted at the beginning of the exam. StartingBy starting the Safe Exam Browser throughvia MoodleMoodle, ensuresit is ensured that the correct version with the appropriate configuration is launched,launched. preventingThis anyprevents you from doing anything unauthorized actions during the exam.
Where can I download the Safe Exam Browser?

The currentlatest version of the Safe Exam Browser can be downloaded fromat for Windows, macOS, and iOS.

Where can I see my exam format, exam room, and requests?

Your exam format, exam room, and requests are managed via groups. You can view your group memberships through your profile. ClickTo do this, click on your profile picture on the right under "My Profile."Profile" on the right.

Note: If you cannot see the "My Profile"Profile” block, expand it on the right edgeside of the course using the arrow button.

WhatWhich identification documents mustdo I need to bring to the exam?

ProofVerification of your identity always requires an official photo ID or an official passport document and is essential. AcceptableThe documentsfollowing include:are sufficient:

  • EU IDidentity cardscards, andincluding provisional EU ID cards,ones,
  • Non-EU IDidentity cards,
  • EU residence permitspermits, andincluding provisional EU residence permits,ones,
  • Driver’Driver's licenses issued in Europe,
  • PassportsPassports, and
  • Provisional passports issued in the EU.

If the supplementary ID fromof dgti e.V. is necessary tofor establish identity,identification, it is valid only valid with one of the aforementionedmentioned official IDs.

The following identification documents are insufficient or unnecessary:

  • The Athene card of the university computercomputing center / universitythe library,University and State Library,
  • Health insurance cards or other non-official photo IDIDs documents,that are not official, and
  • The student ID card of TU Darmstadt, as its identification features are givenprovided throughby authentication with TU-ID and password in e-exams.
Why can'can’t I join the Zoom meeting? How do I activate the Zoom campusCampus license?

Only members of TU-Darmstadt are admittedallowed toin all Zoom meetings of the online examexamination system. Here you can set up the Zoom campusCampus license.license.

Can I use my password manager?

Accessing password managers or password databases should be avoided from the start of the exam. If you do not know your password by heart, you should write it down and keep it accessible for the duration ofduring the exam. After the exam, you should destroy thethis note or change your password in the identity management of TU Darmstadt Identity Management.

I have two-factor authentication. What should I be aware of?

The use of hardware tokens is generally possible within the Safe Exam Browser in computer lab rooms and on personal devices.

A software token must always be available on a secondary device (usually your own smartphone) since local software tokens such aslike KeePassXC cannot be accessed whileduring the operation of the Safe Exam Browser is running.Browser.

Please note that athe second authentication factor failuremay could occur,fail, so it is always recommended to have both hardware and software tokens ready. Disabling or bypassing two-factor authentication is neither immediately nor during the exam possible.

If you need to log in again during the exam and your second authentication factor is provided by a secondary device, notifyreport to the proctor and wait for them to verifycertify to the best of their ability that usingthe use of the secondary device doesis not constitute an attempt toat cheat.cheating.

Exam inon acomputer Computerpool Labroom computers with Safe Exam Browser

What are the characteristics of this exam format?
  • ThisIn examthis format usesformat, Safe Exam Browser foris supervisionused proctoring support
  • Program usage and access to internet services are restricted.restricted
  • Only the available hardware is used.used
What do I need to bring to an exam in a computerpool lab?room exam?
WhatWhich computerpool labsrooms are thereavailable and how does the login work?
  • Computer labs:pool rooms: L1|10 101, L1|10 108, L1|10 201, L1|10 206, L3|01 50, L5|01 130 In these computer labs,pool rooms, you take over the computers byat selectingthe selection of the currently readyready-to-start e-exams or at the Moodle login. YouSo, you only need your Moodle login.
  • Computer labs:pool rooms: external at Goethe University or Hochschule Darmstadt You will receive ana login for the operating system login from the proctor,room supervisor, which you should use along with your Moodle login.
  • Computer labs:pool rooms: HRZ of TUDa S1|22 020 The TU ID serves as the login for the computer. You navigate independently with a web browser to the e-exam in the exam course. You download the Safe Exam Browser configuration from the exam activity dashboard and start it.
  • MoreHere you can find more information about the computer labspool rooms .
How do I find the computer labs?pool rooms?

Exam on Youryour Ownown Computercomputer with Safe Exam Browser on Sitesite

What are the characteristics of this exam format?
  • ThisIn examthis format usesformat, Safe Exam Browser foris supervisionused proctoring support
  • For Safe Exam Browser,Browser requires a Windows 10 or 11 or a current MAC OS operating system is required.
  • Program usage and access to internet services are restricted.restricted
  • SocketsPower outlets or power strips are available in the exam rooms forto chargingcharge your device. You only need to bring your chargerpower adapter to charge your device.
How do I set up a WLAN account for my own device or a borrowed device?


FollowYou must be able to access the [instructions](


_services/wlan/wlan_deutsche_beschreibung/ from the university computer center.

How can I download and install the offered software?

If you have any issues downloading and installing the Safe Exam Browser, additional support is offered at download the Safe Exam Browser configuration file and start the Safe Exam Browser. Therefore, you need to establish the necessary network connections.

What ifadvice Ido you have problemsfor setting up and testing the Safe Exam Browser?
  • Install the Safe Exam Browser on your computer. Download the Safe Exam Browser.
  • Connect the Safe Exam Browser in your Moodle user profile with theyour WLANMoodle setup?login

    Followpassword. Log in to your Moodle user profile.

  • When preparing for the instructionsexam, fromuse the universitydemo computerexam center.

    in the Moodle exam system.
  • Ensure that you only have the Safe Exam Browser installed and that it starts correctly. You may not need to install a specific configuration file unless directed by the exam.
What shoulddo I need to bring to aan on-site BYOD exam?
What else do I need to take into account for the setup and connectivity?

Sockets or power strips are available in the exam rooms for charging your device. You only need to bring your charger to charge your device.

What is the role of a proctor in this exam format?

  • A proctorfully verifiesfunctional that using the secondary device does not constitute an attempt to cheat if you need to log in again during the exam and your second authentication factor is provided by a secondary device.

  • Remote Online Examlaptop with Safe Exam Browser and a power adapter

    Remote Exam on Your Own Device

    What are the characteristics of this exam format?
    • ThisIn examthis formatformat, usesa combination of video conferencing (Zoom) and the Safe Exam Browser is used for supervisionproctoring
    • For Safe Exam Browser,Browser requires a Windows 10 or 11 or a current MAC OS operating system is required.
    • Program usage and access to internet services are restricted.restricted
    What do I need to set uphave for a remote exam?
    • DownloadMoodle login and an identification document. See Which identification documents do I need to bring to the exam?
    • A fully functional laptop with Safe Exam Browser
    • from
    • A forfunctional Windows,second macOS,device (usually a smartphone or tablet) with a stable internet connection and iOS.
    • Follow the instructionsZoom from the university computer center to set up the WLAN.
    • Access the exam course in Moodle with your Moodle login.
    • Install and configure Safe Exam Browser using the configuration file provided in
    What devices do I need forto aconsider remoteregarding exam?my Zoom account?

    You need:

    How do I ensureset my setupup and connectivitytest are adequate for a remote exam?

    Ensure you have a stable internet connection and have installedthe Safe Exam Browser followingfor remote exams?

    • Install the providedSafe instructions.Exam Browser on your computer. Download the Safe Exam Browser.
    • Connect the Safe Exam Browser in your Moodle user profile with your Moodle login password. Log in to your Moodle user profile.
    • When preparing for the exam, use the demo exam in the Moodle exam system.
    • Ensure that you only have the Safe Exam Browser installed and that it starts correctly. You may not need to install a specific configuration file unless directed by the exam.

    Specific questions for specific exams

    The access is limited to 30 seconds - what to do?

    Moodle limits the login to a very short time frame (usually 30 seconds). Therefore, make sure you start your login early enough. If the Safe Exam Browser has already started, press F5 (Windows) or Command-R (macOS) to reload the page.

    What isto do when the roletime of my exam runs out?

    Submit the quiz immediately. As a proctorrule, you will be informed of the end of the exam time via Moodle and/or Zoom. However, be aware of the clock on your computer, and end the exam in atime remoteto ensure the answers are saved.

    What should I do if I lose my connection during the exam?

    A proctor verifies that using the secondary device does not constitute an attempt to cheat ifIf you needlose toyour logconnection:

      again during
    • Inform the exam supervisor via the Zoom chat
    • Attempt to reconnect to Moodle and yourthe secondZoom authenticationmeeting
    • factor
    • Document isthe providedincident bywith ascreenshots secondaryand device.

      send them to the exam supervisor