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Troubleshooting SMOWL (en)

!!!!Attention, important info!!!!!!

Here is what I have to do if I can't think

Make sure you have registered your ID card/photo ID. We recommend:

  • Attend the Zoom meeting before the start and during the exam
  • Check that SMOWL is installed correctly (computer and smart device) ~ if in doubt, uninstall on computer, restart computer, reinstall SMOWL)
  • Are there still problems? If so, then try something! Here is a list of options:
    • Check your internet connection
    • Maybe switch from WLAN to cable
    • Close all programs that are not needed
    • Restart your computer
    • Restart the router
    • Search for other network users and ask them to use as little bandwidth as possible
    • Update your browser and operating system
    • Change the browser
    • Change router/internet connection
    • Check privacy settings of OS and browser
    • Cam not working? The cam is often used by another program - close it if you don't need it! Use Zoom with the camera switched off!
    • Internet connection weak? Close all unnecessary network programs or look for a better Internet access point (friends, university, relatives, switch to a better host...). Just give it a try.
FAQ page of the manufacturer

FAQ SMOWL Tech The following modules are currently used as of 02.01.2024:

  • Registration
  • Camera or webcam monitoring
  • External monitoring
Find out in advance:

Computer weak? Hier sind die Requirements. Just try it or close programs you don't need. Get a better computer: borrow one from relatives, friends, the university,... or buy a better one.