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Proctoring Software: SMOWL

SMOWL is a standard Proctoring Software at TUDa. If you decide to take a remotely proctored exam at TUDa (or you decide against an on-site exam), you need to make yourself familiar with SMOWL.

Your first task is to read theall termsinformation oftextpages, usewhich forare SMOWL. You need to accept themgiven in thestage Moodle1 course in whichof your entrance exam iscourse held.on moodle exam. Confirm in stage 1, when you understood everything.

TheID Controll is task 2 In stage 2 of the course your entrance exam, you do the registration of your ID for the remote supervised exam.

Technical Testruns and Choice for remote or on site In stage 3 you go throught demo exams regulationsas areoften as you need. You´re responsible that every componement of SMOWL works as intended. Manual is given in thethis according moodle course.

Also general information such as how the exam is designedstage and so on are giventutorial in the examdemo courseexam. orIf inyou want to travel to the officialTechnische websitesUniversität Darmstadt to use the computer lab for entrance exam, then you may skip stage 2 and demo exams of thestage departments. This is independant from the software.3.

Have a look in the manual of SMOWL

The preparation of a remote supervised exam is described in this article: preparation of exams with SMOWL

Troubleshooting is also prepared. It is an good idea to save the homepage as a file or as a printout. Troubleshooting for remote supervised SMOWL Exams

Last but not least have technical demo exams. Those are linked in the according moodle exam course.